Kaley Cuoco Loves Her Plastic Surgery Results

It’s interesting to read about the many celebrities who absolutely insist that they have had no plastic surgery. Though there are endless numbers of photos proving that great changes have occurred to their bodies and faces, these same celebs say, “Nope, not me!”

kaley cuocoThis is why it can be so refreshing when a celebrity favorite steps up and says that they did indeed have work, and even more appealing is when they say that they loved it.

This is just another reason for the public to love actress Kaley Cuoco. It was late 2016 when she freely admitted to a nose job, and went a bit farther, saying it was the best thing she had done.

Why? She said that it was a treatment that allowed her to advance her career and become the mega TV star she is today. However, she said the real reason she loves her plastic surgery results was the affect it had on her self-esteem.

Though we might look at her today and think, “Lady… what on earth do you have to feel bad about?” The reality is that Cuoco has long struggled with her appearance, and this could not be easy working in an industry like acting. So, she had several treatments that included rhinoplasty.

She praises the treatments for making her feel sexier than she ever did before. In an interview with Women’s Health Magazine, she had this to say about her decision: ” As much as you want to love your inner self … I’m sorry, you also want to look good. I don’t think you should do it for a man or anyone else, but if it makes you feel confident, that’s amazing.”

And Cuoco is not the only celebrity who touts the psychological and emotional benefits of plastic surgery. Super sexy music star Iggy Azalea also revealed cosmetic surgery in the recent past and said it was a great choice. We’ve also seen stars like Kylie Jenner freely admitting to having lip fillers because her lips had previously been a source of insecurity.

Remember that you don’t even have to go “under the knife” if your concerns are able to be addressed with less invasive techniques. Kylie Jenner, as an example, had injectable fillers in her lips, and so too did Cuoco. You can discuss these options with your doctor and learn if they are the right solution.