This 23 year old rhinoplasty patient from San Diego came to our Westwood offices to consult with Dr. Rawnsley because she felt that her nose was too prominent and distracted attention from the rest of her face.
Upon meeting the patient, one of the first things that Dr. Rawnsley noticed about her nose was the bulbous tip and, in profile, a pronounced nasal hump. Overall, he perceived a rounded heaviness, and “pear”-shaped appearance to the nose. He also observed a slightly droopy tip and a noticeable tethering of the upper-lip — where the upper lip appears to be being “pulled up” by the nose. Generally, the nose had a visual heaviness out of balance with the rest of her features.
The patient underwent an open cosmetic rhinoplasty. Dr. Rawnsley performed tip contouring and grafting to make the more triangular, smaller and petite. He performed a dorsal hump reduction and infracture of the nasal bones to narrow the nose. Additionally, he slightly rotated the patient’s nasal tip upward to shorten the nose and brought the tip closer to the face to relax the upper lip tension.
…And she was ecstatic. She told our patient coordinator:
“The way Dr. Rawnsley shaped my nose has absolutely changed my appearance in such a positive way. When I look back at my ‘before’ picture, I can’t believe that it’s me.”
Copyright © 2023 Jeffrey Rawnsley, M.D., M.S., board certified facial plastic surgeon. All rights reserved.